Friday, November 27, 2009

King Janaka's Realization of the significance of Storms

The Divine Voice

Perceive the broader aspects of Life. Everything in life happens for a cause. Stop your feverishness. Your desires, fears and hate.

Recognize the reality of external events. All that you see is a creation of your mind. Accept the events as they happen irrespective of the interpretation your mind has created for you.

Resisting them only prolongs them. The significance of the Crucifixion is about acceptance of the present moment. And then to do something about it - forgive.

There is a tremendous depth in calmness. When the waves of mental conflicts have subsided you don’t become bored. Instead you get to admire the coral wonders found in the depths of the consciousness.

Every storm that you face makes your consciousness deeper. It destroys some weakness in you. Provided you let it teach you something. You absorb the pressure and grow.

You laugh in the face of adversity instead of crying.

Life is not about a single event in your life. It is not even about all the events in your own lifetime.

Life is about the entire existence. And existence is infinite and eternal.

So, how can one small event in your life destroy the existence?

Knowledge is your life jacket in these storm racked oceans. It allows you rise above each wave and to grow and live life to its full. Instead of being dunked under by each and every wave.

The individual dies but infinity goes on. And you are much more a part of the infinite than this single lifetime of yours that you are presently experiencing.

Your ego colors the events for you, creating a very own personalized event, which might not be in anyway related to the real event; if indeed there can be one.

So why be so upset over the events that come in your life?


King Janaka

Isn’t it a wonder my mind creates so many interpretations and existences? And that it assigns so much personality to people and such personal values to events, life and to death?


The Divine Voice

In mono acting you take on the role of the Hero that of the Villain as well. Both the Good and the Bad are your own creations.

Similarly your ego creates different personalities and importance to events and nurtures them likewise.

This sets everything into a predictable course of action. And you create a comfort zone for yourself. This assures you of constancy in life which in turn assures you of safety and survival.

But Reality is completely opposite to this. The only constant in Life is change, and perhaps the speed of light.

And change disturbs the apple cart one spends so much time and effort in carefully balancing.

So, any change is seen with distrust, unhappiness and outright fear.

Events which are actually the seeds for great progress are seen as very debilitating to ones existence. This is called turning gold to dross.

Fact is, you have a major say in creating your own reality. By assigning positive roles to events one discovers limitless opportunities opening up.

This is alchemy, the Philosophers’ Stone. Turning base metal to gold!

Attitude determines what you interpret as reality. Your interpretation of reality in turns motivates you to activity. The more positive your interpretation, the more sincere and sustained are your activities.

The greater the Shradha you show in your activity the better the outcome.

This is what is referred to when Bala Gopala Krishna lifts aloft the entire Govardhan Mountain on his little finger and saves an entire village from deadly Hail storm.

Faith will indeed move mountains.

Provided one has patience and an unyielding faith in oneself.

Personalities and Events in Life are like coconut shells floating in the ocean. And they are just as permanent.

We create patterns of these floating shells and make an entire tableau come alive. It is the very nature of the mind to a make a pattern of happenstance things.

When a storm rises, just be with it. Do your meditation. This brings you closer to your true nature.

Real peace comes from within, not from external inputs. You are the center of the Universe. And the Universe is in your Mind.

You always take your mind along with you, wherever you go. And what you make of the “coconut shells” floating in the ocean is a reflection of what is on your mind.


*King Janaka*

Aho! Aho! Life is not about never experiencing any storms. It is about experiencing the storms and growing from there.

The trees on the edge of the forest end up breaking the fiercest of gales for those behind them. Is it any wonder they grow the thickest trunks?

A pierce of carbon under tremendous pressure in the depths of the earth turns to Graphite.

But the same piece of carbon and under thousand times more pressure and at even greater depths in the earth, turns into Diamond.

In fact, are you not really lucky if events do come at such pressure that can turn you into a Diamond. Once you withstand such pressures and turn into a diamond, nothing can cut you.

This is the Stage of Nirvana.

Achieved by making the best of events rather than running away from them.

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