Thursday, October 8, 2009

King Janakas' being buffeted by Storms

King Janaka is seated by Sage Patanjali's feet..

King Janaka***

Why am i always in midst of emotional storms?

Sometimes everything seems just great and at times nothing at all.

The mind is at times calm and peaceful and at times raging as a bull gone berserk at the sight of a red flag.

The more I try to blow out the fire, the fiercer it burns.

And then again, greater and longer is my consternation at having lost my cool.

Will i never, ever, be free from these Storms?

Sage Patanjali...

He never utters a word.

King Janaka is left ruminating.

The Eternal Voice***

So how does one get out of emotional hijacks?

First : Be aware that your emotions are indeed hijacked and you have really lost it.
Second: Stop regretting any past event.

Fact: Its the nature of things, for the mind to undergo turmoils.

King Janaka***

Ohhh...How ignorant have I been?

Why resist something which is just a phenomena of Nature?

An event like the formation of clouds and rains. The cycle of day and night. Life and Death.

Each phase being just as long as the other lets it.

And in the end they too come to an end. Till some other cycle takes place.

Its the Nature of the mind to seek out Storms and dwell in them!

The body consciousness is the eco system which gives rise to the storms the Mind loves to dwell in. Just as the Earths unique eco system gives rise to the atmospheric storms.

The Eternal Voice

And how does one keeps ones cool during these storms?

Through the exercise of Meditation. Through steadfastness of the mind.

By not letting any thought take root in the mind. By starving the ego of its need to feed on thoughts and be a drama queen.

Simply, disspassionately obsering each thought and asking "So what?"

This will still the mental activity to just the level of an observer. Completely alert to all external events but never having the compulsive need to engage and make a contest of the same.

This results in complete mental rest. A rest not even found in the deepest sleep.

This is Samadhi.

And at the same time the mind is never more alert or never more sharp.

An ocean cannot exist without waves

And even so in life, events will ruffle your peace of mind.

Accept and dont resist these events. Accept even loosing your peace of mind to these events if you do loose some.

Once the mind learns that nothing can distroy "consciousness" the mind stops hyper reacting.

Even the mightiest storms on the Ocean surface hardly stir the Ocean floors.


To be continued....